If you ever need to manually bootstrap a CINC or Chef node instead of using knife bootstrap
here are the basic steps:
Use the install script or install the package:
curl -L https://omnitruck.cinc.sh/install.sh | sudo bash -s -- -v 18
Make your /etc/cinc/client.rb
node_name "your-node-name"
chef_license "accept"
chef_server_url "https://your-chef-server/organizations/your-org-name"
file_backup_path "/var/chef/backup"
file_cache_path "/var/chef/cache"
#ssl_verify_mode :verify_none # you might want this in some private environments
log_location STDOUT
Generate a client, get the key, put it at /etc/cinc/client.pem
knife client create your-node-name
Make a node:
knife node create your-node-name
Set its ACL access:
knife acl add -y group clients nodes your-node-name update,read
You should be able to run chef-client now.